
Posts Tagged ‘vana’

Vana Tallinn

This past weekend il digestivatore travelled east to the former Soviet bloc state of Estonia. Although life might have been rough in Tallinn during the Cold War, at least the people had Vana Tallinn to keep them warm after a long dinner (wow, tight joke).

Anyway, after my dinner at the medieval themed “Hansa” Restaurant in the old town of Tallinn, my waiter (dressed in peasant clothing dating from circa 1355) suggested I try the Vana Tallin, a traditional rum based liquor tasting faintly of vanilla and cinnamon. While not terrible, this digestivo was fairly run of the mill and had no remarkable qualities except for the fact that it is the only digestivo I had a chance to sample whilst I was visiting my brother, l’Artista (a reluctant fan of the old digestivi), who was putting on art shows for an art collective situated in a converted Soviet toy factory. Not your typical weekend, but a new digestivo has been discovered! And that’s pretty much all that matters.

Overall Rating: ★★☆☆☆

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